Using the Bread Spreadsheets ~ the butcher, the baker

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Using the Bread Spreadsheets

    This is a quick guide to using my Google Docs bread spreadsheets to save your own copy and scale the bread recipes to any size. Every bread post here will have a link to its corresponding spreadsheet, and you can input either the flour total weight or the dough total weight and calculate the entire recipe from there. Here is how.
a look at the spreadsheet

    You will need to sign into Google to do the following since it utilizes Google Docs. Without signing in you can still view the spreadsheet but will not be able to make any changes. Of course, if you really want nothing to do with Google Docs you're still welcome to just write it down and scale it manually with a calculator, and this page will be irrelevant to you, but the spreadsheets make life much easier when you make the breads often(or daily, as it is for me with so many of them).

    Open up this spreadsheet to follow along.

    From any bread page on this site(we'll use Swedish Limpa for this example), click the link to get your own copy of the formula spreadsheet.
for example

    In order to save it as your own and be able to make changes, go to File- Make a copy...

    If you will be basing your recipe on the specific total weight of flour that you have, fill in the blue Flour Total Weight field. Once entered, hit Calculate- Calculate From Flour Total Weight(FTW).

    If you instead are making a recipe to, say, fill a 1lb loaf pan or other specific weight of dough, fill in the blue Dough Total Weight field followed by Calculate- Calculate From Dough Total Weight(DTW).

After you hit calculate, the spreadsheet will calculate all the weights/masses of all the ingredients according to the formula. If you'd like to print the recipe out just switch to the Printable tab on the bottom and print in landscape mode.

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